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Our Spiritual Body

What it is: Connection to all things, including the earth/self, to what we call God, the universe, the beyond, the divine, or higher self. This provides protection, union, help, and guidance from an outside source as well as from those who have passed on. It connects us to all that is. Many do not understand or acknowledge this aspect exists. It has little to do with what we believe culturally when it comes to religion or spirits—it is more the element that no one and no situation stands alone, that there is no one fault, that we are all connected, and that it always takes more than one body to create all that exists in life. It is the most outside ring in our aura or energetic field.

What it represents: The unity of all living things, including the union between our soul, life experience, and destiny. This is not about going to church. In fact, it has little to do with religion.

How the spiritual body should behave when balanced: Calm, fearless, highly creative, and operating without limits—paired with the fortitude and support to create action from ideas. Along with this comes the acknowledgement that there’s a higher force guiding and protecting the project, and that there is something bigger at play than you. The spiritual body represents the synthesis and balance of the other three—it is very similar to the idea that we are greater than the sum of our parts.

Masculine or Feminine: Feminine

Quality of someone under-balanced toward spiritual: Disconnected from the understanding that we are all one and feeling or thinking that we can do things on our own or alone. That we are not co-creating our existence, that we are victims of fate (or the health care system, the government, or the media) and most often (or entirely) dismissive of listening to the gut. This person generally separates from being an active or conscious member of community or society, and feels deserving and expectant of others’ energy or time. They also feel left out, or like they have not been seen or heard. There’s also a tendency to put a high emphasis on how things look or how they appear instead of focusing on transparency and honest heart communication. There’s also a heavy focus and over-reliance on doing, controlling, and the grasping of an exterior reference or relationship.

Quality of someone over-balanced toward spiritual: Head in the clouds, not turning ideas into reality, a false god complex, a lack of unity between action and behavior, a lack of connection to interpersonal responsibilities (relationships, physical health and wealth, respecting other people’s bodies, paying bills, debts). There is generally a feeling of entitlement and being overly deserving.

How to bring the spiritual into balance: Meditation, meditation, meditation. Breath work. Gratitude, humbleness, generosity and the act of giving—seeing others as you see (or wish to see) yourself, and acting accordingly. Also it’s key to connect personal gain with universal oneness, and to understand that heaven is within, that you are always in caring company, and no one physically holds your key to ultimate, consistent joy.


source: editors of goop

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